A(I) Bright Future: Embracing Creative Technology

In this episode of CHILIpulse recorded during CREATE '23 EU, Bram Verniest, Chief Evangelist at CHILI Publish, engages in a conversation with Chris Do, the CEO & Founder of TheFutur.com.

Chris, a self-proclaimed "loud introvert" and a passionate advocate for education in the creative field, shares valuable insights on the intersection of creativity and technology.

Key Episode Takeaways:

  • Sink or Swim Mentality: Chris underscores the importance of creative professionals embracing new technologies to stay relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of tomorrow's reality.
  • Impactful Changes: The discussion delves into the necessity of focusing on high-level conceptual work and high-touch, human-centric roles to maintain relevance and make a lasting impact in the creative industry.
  • Time (Isn't) Up: Chris advocates for using technology not only to enhance efficiency but also to free up time. He emphasizes that efficiency is the key to unlocking valuable time for delivering more impactful and meaningful work.
  • Creative Partnership: Addressing the role of AI in the creative process, Chris highlights that while technology can augment creativity, original content will always require a human touch. AI becomes a valuable partner in elevating creative outputs to new levels.

If you liked this episode consider subscribing for future updates. Make sure to check out TheFutur.com to see how Chris & his team are teaching creatives new ways of upskilling.


Chris Do

Founder and CEO

Bram Verniest

Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist

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