CHILI publish raises € 2,55 million in Series A round led by Volta Ventures.

Aalst, Belgium, April 10, 2017 – CHILI publish, an online editing solutions provider, has transformed from a three-man company into a key graphic arts market player over the past six years. CHILI publish features offices headquartered in Belgium (Aalst), US (New York) and Singapore, providing solutions to over 250 customers. They have identified online editing as the booming tech2marketing path for most print service providers. The company has turned to venture specialists Volta Ventures, Pamica and Group MC for future evolution guidance. They raised € 2.55 million following a Series A round for the further expansion of the international sales team, R&D efforts and marketing optimization. The company founders will retain the majority of the shares, while Michel Akkermans, Chairman Shareholder Advisory Board & Venture Partner at Volta Ventures, will join the Board of Directors.

The online editing niche
CHILI publish became a key graphic arts market player by providing an online editing solution that allows companies to easily edit marketing document templates in a browser environment. The software safeguards brand design guidelines while enabling users to tailor other elements on the page. The software integrates into a variety of workflow and business management platforms (eCommerce & DAM for example), which allows for a personalized user interface and a scalable set-up. It also comes with invaluable features like a 3D visualization tool, generating a direct 3D assessment of the final marketing output. This straight-forward tech2marketing solution skyrocketed in the graphic arts sector, urging the management to seek other ventures, as Kevin Goeminne, CEO of CHILI publish explains: “We’ve established quite an exponential growth. In six years’ time, we have serviced no less than 250 customers in over 25 countries in markets like commercial print and packaging, including brand owners and agencies. And yet, more is to be done. We know this investment support will further spur the opportunities for online editing out there.”

The perfect API fit
As a renowned VC fund for internet and software companies, Volta Ventures immediately recognized the potential of CHILI publish well beyond other markets. As Michel Akkermans puts it: “The solutions come with an open API, meaning they can be integrated in just about any company that spots the added value of the CHILI publish solutions. This is an interesting business model that will allow CHILI publish to extend its reach even beyond its roots in the graphic arts sector. Our goal is to help the company mature to their full potential and we hope that our tech insights and market experience will prove valuable assets.”

Brain gain
The company can rely on strong partnerships and customer references worldwide, and a versatile product portfolio fit for a wide range of markets. Human capital and R&D development are of the essence according to Bram Verniest, COO at CHILI publish: “Our CTO Ward De Langhe is constantly exploring new technology paths along with co-founder and current innovation instigator Joeri Paeleman, but no man is an island. That’s why we want to further strengthen our team and we’re confident that the support from the investment funds and the invaluable guidance of Michel Akkermans on our board will only accelerate our business expansion.” Kevin Goeminne concludes: “We’re excited about this new adventure and will continue to work hard, play hard and care even more.”

About CHILI publish

CHILI publish is the Creative Automation company. Our platform, CHILI GraFx, is built for global brands and agencies producing multichannel graphics at scale. Our clients trust CHILI GraFx to boost visual asset production and brand enablement, reduce time to market for new products and allow them to reallocate resources and seize new market opportunity.

CHILI GraFx launched in the first half of 2023, putting the power of Smart Templates in the hands of Designers and Developers who embrace technology to produce more and better graphics, faster than ever before. With our CREATE Community, our goal is to learn, share and grow the impact of creative automation.

Press contact

Kees Henniphof

VP Marketing

+32 2 888 65 11

Maya Staels

Apr 10, 2017

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